Film Making

Oral History, Heritage and Community Based Films

Oral History Films

We have worked with a number of organisations to produce films and film shorts based on their oral history collections.  These audio visual outputs are an entertaining way of delivering an insight into your collection, whilst also capturing a taste of your wider research findings - maps, stories, photographs, etc. These bring your project to 'life' when used as learning tools, and are a great way to generate interest from the public, particularly school children.

Heritage Films

Our portfolio includes a number of oral history and heritage films, which include migrant histories, memoryscapes and heritage trails. Contact us if you have a great idea for a heritage film!

Community Based Films

Many communities are passionate about the issues effecting them and their neighbours, and films are a wonderful way of documenting or illustrating those issues. These can then be used to raise public awareness, support funding applications or campaigns, or to encourage interest in the local economy or tourism.  

Film Marketing for Businesses and Third Sector Organisations

We are currently working with two organisation to create films promoting their activities. These marketing films will be used on their websites and social media to outline their philosophies and to show who they are, what they have done in the past, and what they can do for their clients now.  

Interested?  Contact us to discuss your ideas for a film!



Oral History Research & Training Consultancy
Oral history heritage professionals serving Scotland and the UK