We have added a brand new fundraising workshop to our programme which is taking place on Friday 30th September - 'Why Strategy Matters'. To learn about the importance of fundraising strategy for community heritage groups and organisations please come along to hear from Peter Thierfeldt in this two-hour session.
There are still places available on our dedicated seminar for Trustees - 'The Role of the Board in Fundraising' - which is taking place on 7th September in Edinburgh. This session is being delivered by Arts & Business Scotland's Head of Governance & Engagement Catriona Reynolds. http://www.resourcingscotlandsheritage.org/event/the-role-of-the-board-in-fundraising-edinburgh/
If you are based in the Outer Hebrides don't forget to attend our training in Stornoway and Benbecula in September, we have four events taking place between 19th - 22nd September. http://www.resourcingscotlandsheritage.org/training-and-events/
In a change to the previously advertised programme the 'In Focus: Introduction to Sponsorship' session will now take place in Glasgow on 15th November.
To find out more about all of the events please visit the website: http://www.resourcingscotlandsheritage.org/training-and-events
Resourcing Scotland's Heritage is a partnership project led by Arts & Business Scotland with Archaeology Scotland, Built Environment Forum Scotland, greenspace scotland and Museums Galleries Scotland and it is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
We look forward to seeing you at a future event.
Contact us:
Louise Louise Downing
Resourcing Scotland’s Heritage
Project Manager
Email louise.downing@scotheritage.org
Mobile 07970 224478
Direct Dial 0131 297 2008
Arts & Business Scotland 1st Floor, Rosebery House 9 Haymarket Terrace Edinburgh EH12 5EZ
Telephone 0131 556 3353
You can follow Resourcing Scotland's Heritage on Facebook and Twitter https://www.facebook.com/pages/Resourcing-Scotlands-Heritage/247790608743231 https://twitter.com/RScotHeritage
Statutory Information: Arts & Business Scotland is a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland (SC406905) and a Scottish charity (SC042631). The registered office is Rosebery House, 9 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5EZ

Project News
- African Journeys
- Archaeology Dig Success!
- Archaeology Dig!
- An Oral History of a Scottish Pit Village - UPDATE
- Funding Training Opportunities - early 2017!
- Cumnock History Group
- 'Twechar Pit Village' - Youth Oral History Programme
- Twechar Volunteer Opportunities
- Oral History in Largs!
- 'Twechar: An oral history of a pit village'
- Resourcing Scotland's Heritage - Inspiring Fundraising Training
- Oral History in Dunoon
- HLF praise our 'Everyday People' film!
- Inverclyde Schools Oral History Programme
- Another Film Success!
- Isaro. Everyday People: Untold Stories - Oral History Training
- John Gray Centre, Haddington
- Perth Theatre Heritage Project
- The Marie Trust
- IALHI: Migrant Labour History Conference- Oral History
- Celebrate LGBT Cumbria Oral History Training
- Securing the memories of Gairloch Parish Oral History Training
- 'War, Work and Disability: 1939-1950' - Oral History
- 'Glasgow's African Tales'